2D Scanners (From 5 mm to 1000 mm)

Accuprofile 400 Series Laser Scanners
- The AP420 and AP480 2D Laser Scanners are entry level sensor for industrial surface dimensioning and measurements.
- These scanners generate low-noise 2D profile scans, and includes an onboard processor and memory.
- The AP400-Series scanners project a beam of visible laser light in a straight line that measures surface height profiles.

Accuprofile 820 Laser Scanner
- The AccuProfile™ 820 Laser Scanners are Acuity’s high-accuracy sensors for industrial parts scanning.
- Common applications include dimensional verification of heights, widths, radius of curvature, gap width, surface separation, part length, hole diameters, etc.
- AP820 laser scanners have dynamic, auto-gain which adjusts laser power and sample integration time (“shutter speed”) which improves sensor performance on dynamically-changing surfaces.
- AP820 has all the necessary input channels to track up to two encoders as well as a single synchronization channel for applications using multiple sensors. The synchronization prevents detector interference of adjacent lasers.

Accuprofile AQ6 Laser Scanner
- AQ6 2D laser scanners are high accuracy and high speed sensors for industrial surface dimensioning and measurement applications.
- The scanner quickly and accurately generates low-noise 2D or 3D profile scans of objects, surfaces or scenes.
- The sensor automatically adjusts laser power and detector exposure to compensate for varying surface conditions.
If you have any queries regarding our 2D Scanners or even our 2D OCR Scanner, feel free to contact Bestell Solutions – machine vision expert at +65 6547 4162.