Key Benefits of Choosing Smart Cameras For Manufacturing Businesses

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Key Benefits of Choosing Smart Cameras For Manufacturing Businesses

Key benefits of choosing smart cameras for manufacturing businesses

In an increasingly competitive market, businesses are constantly on the lookout for new innovation and technology that may boost their bottom line. One industry that stands to benefit more from technology is manufacturing, where efficiency and effectiveness are key.

Given the possible sheer volume of production by manufacturing companies on a daily basis, it comes as no surprise that the opportunity to reduce defect cost is highly valued. In years past, manufacturing businesses have often used traditional PC-based systems to scan for product defects. However, with the commercialisation of the smart camera, such systems may soon be replaced. In this article, we are going to tackle the different key benefits of smart cameras for manufacturing enterprises.


Smart cameras can cost less than PC-based systems in certain situations, this is due to their less complex installation and system integration. However, there are limitations that come with the simplicity of a smart camera. If your production process is highly complicated and requires plenty of flexibility, then it is at odds with the user friendly smart camera. Additionally, PC-based systems tend to scale better. For example, it might be cheaper to deploy a central PC system connected to ten normal cameras, as opposed to installing ten smart cameras.

Environmental Conditions

Since smart cameras are self-contained and enclosed, they are ideal for workplaces with less than ideal conditions. For example, they are able to withstand water splashes and dusty environments. In such places, traditional cameras would be susceptible to breaking down as they are not air-tight.

Ease of use

Unlike their predecessors, smart cameras are complete and self-contained systems that combine the function of a camera with the processing capabilities of a computer. As such, manufacturers are finding that smart cameras are easier to install as opposed to their computer based counterparts. Designed with an intuitive user interface, professionals without extensive coding knowledge are able to operate these devices.

While smart cameras may not require programming knowledge during installation, it is still necessary for you to first consult a vision system expert. Investments in such devices can be very capital extensive and thus affect the business in many ways. A vision system expert would be able to determine your business needs and advise on the appropriate choice of device. Additionally, it is important to emphasize that upgrading to the use of a vision system is recommended only if your company is ready for it. Do not make bold business moves without first conducting a feasibility study.